
The client and I sit down over zoom; I cleanse the space and begin tapping into your energy. My spirit guides contact yours, and then the process starts. As I shuffle, the cards fall out of the deck, and depending on how they fall (upright or downward), that is the initial message. I go over the meaning of each card and the suits with my clients. I use my notebook to scribble and draw messages coming in. While doodling, it helps me get into a headspace where I can hear/relay messages from your spirit guides. They also describe messages through images, which 9/10 have a deeper meaning to the client that triggers a response. 

Eyes are the window to the soul; my spirit guides love to analyze.

A little about myself :

  • I’ve been practicing Tarot for 10+ years.

  • I come from a long line of energy workers. I’ve been an empath and highly intuitive for as long as I can remember.

  • My educational background is in Criminology & Social Work.

Sending you all love & light.


You go to a tarot reader with a question, they pull the cards, and they tell you your fortune. I don’t do that. I’m much more interested in using cards as tools to have a conversation with people, to open up new perspectives, using the cards to ask questions.

Most of the individual sessions I do are over Zoom. I will ask the person in the beginning about what inspired them to book a session with me. That gives me a sense of how to focus rather than just turning the cards over and saying random things.


There are so many ways to interpret them, so you want to do it in a relevant way to the person and their life. It’s very collaborative — that’s a significant distinction between the way I use cards and how traditional tarot readings are done.

A lot of it is me using a card to ask the person a question and help them understand their interpretation: “What comes up for you when you see this image or when you hear these ideas?”


A lot of the work I do is helping people understand simple concepts like:

*When there are feelings you’re not willing to feel, that’s how many people get stuck*

I use tarot cards to help people understand by showing them images and helping them explore the ways those things are happening in their own lives.


Tarots can help people understand themselves in a new way, which is very therapeutic. It helps narrow down why we make the decisions and why we are behaving the way we are.

What is driven by avoidance or anxiety?

My sessions are usually focused on your mental well-being & finding healing solutions for you.